In an oral retelling Necrovision appears to be at least original. Within the framework of the same level, you can happen to you: an air raid, artillery and a gas attack, as well as a battle with a zombie using a sapper blade, managing a walking steam robot, a battle with a giant mechanical scorpion and the use of magic against vampires (like two drops of blood similar to the Glavaeror of anime "Gyver").

Welcome to Verden!

Necrovision starts as a typical military shooter: trenches, rifle, Fritz. The difference is that instead of normal helmets on Fritz, helmets with peaks, in the hands there is an outdated model of “Enfield”, and “Fokkers” and airships soar in the sky … In the yard 1916, the first world, the place of action is the Verden meat grinder. The situation itself is unpleasant, but the authors make a twist in the spirit here Resistance: Fall of Man : Gnut German scientists came into contact with the world of spirits, and burning zombies climb into the screen, and dragons, magicians and ghosts join the “fokkers”. In the bosses, respectively, there are not tanks, but cave trolls (or, worse, cave trolls on caterpillars).

Necrovision works on a seriously processed technology of the popular arcade shooter in 2004 Painkiller. The engine is now able to slow down on the 2008 car with almost any video card and unlimited amount of RAM. As a result, the game is beautiful, although most of it occurs in the trenches and tunnels and admire the landscapes rarely.

Despite the dizzying setting, Necrovision, to our great regret, a bad and practically uncontrollable shooter. Its authors lost the transition from a zombie-player to military and vice versa. The two worlds of Necrovision are practically not in contact with each other, and the levels are built on a quick alternation of mystical and pseudo -regional episodes. The game economy is built as follows: in a battle with a zombie, we fill in the adrenaline scale “Slow-out shooting”, in the trenches we neatly shoot proto-fascists with the help of rapids and again dive into a close battle, where SLO-MO is completely not required. Problems begin here: a slowdown in time is implemented ugly. The character retains the previous speed of action, which is why it is difficult to understand at all whether rapid works or not.


The close battle is one of the main attractions and the main problem of Necrovision: the authors tried to make fierce physical contractions on the engine four years ago. In the melee, you can beat with a pistol, clamped in the right hand, a spatula or bayonet, clamped in the left, shoot point -blank and kick … it would seem, famously!

But the developers could not realize all this in the first person. Zombies simply stomp around, waving their hands, like spectators on a rock concert, the screen floods with blood, the level of vital energy falls. Even if you are struck by the Cave troll with a hammer, the hero is barely noticeable. The character here is tightly mounted into the world and reacts to external stimuli exclusively by changing the indicators on the "devices". For those who want to know, “as it should”: please follow, to Left 4 Dead , BIOSHOCK And Mirror’s Edge.

It is much worse that the surrounding enemies are also in no hurry to respond to your actions: there are no visible return strokes, they do not throw the enemy back, the shoulder blade or bayonet pass through the Nazis and zombies like a knife through butter. As a result, Necrovision makes the most seemingly non -casual occupation – the overseas of the living dead! Click “The Lar Left”, “Right Blow” and wait for the screen to be cleaned. The only way to physically affect the enemy is kick. And here we come close to the most destructive problem of Necrovision – management.

12 buttons

To begin with, under the kick (the only way to physically affect enemies), a separate key is highlighted in the game. It doesn't scare you? In vain! Indeed, besides him, there is already (in addition to the classic “shoot” and “aim”) the “blow”, “bend”, “run”, “jump”, “adrenaline”, “special forces” … how many fingers on your left hand? Will they have enough of them to, without separation from WASD, make, say, a blow with a butt with a run in a rapid?

The “unit” in Necrovision is shelling for the left hand – this can be the second gun, bayonet, shoulder blade, grenade, dynamite, lantern ..

And here the worst thing comes: when the weapon for the left hand is chosen, management changes in the game. Yes, at the height of the battle, the left mouse’s left key suddenly stops responsible for a shot from a pistol and begins to be responsible for a blow with a bayonet or, worse, for a throw into the enemy of the only available lamp, and the right mouse button is no longer aiming, no, this is a shot From a pistol. The average mouse button is responsible for the blow of the weapon in the right hand – do not confuse, beat with a bayonet with another button!

Rebuilding in battle under the changed management is capable of only a professional e -sportsman with an ideal reaction. Only he will master the monstrous leaps of management, only he will begin to weave from blows, kicks and shots of combinations, for which adrenaline is charged, he will find secret vampire artifacts, he pumps Fury to the stop, he will replay the levels in Challenge mode and receive eternal armor for this. He, not you and me.

What is Fury? You see, it seemed to the developers that there are too few buttons, inscriptions, conditions and indicators in the game, and they decided to give another type of energy (independent of adrenaline), which allows you to kill the huge accumulations of enemies with Palpatin electricity or if found, if found. Demonic glove, spit with fireballs.

* * *

Of all the experiments at The Farm 51 Only one thing turned out: independent shooting with two hands with an artistic inclination of pistols. Turning Yula, dodging the living and the dead, slipping through the corridors in Last Breath mode (temporary invulnerability in the last breath), shooting either with the left, then with the right, then with two hands at the same time, you suddenly understand that you play a regular, slightly modified Painkiller. And that it was, honestly, there was a good game that was not worth touching.

The best minutes of Necrovision is when its authors do not climb you with their ideas and simply give an old-fashioned shooter, where enemies attack hundreds and where reaction is held in high esteem, and not love for KAT-scenes. The problem is that The Farm 51 is very rarely left by the player one on one with such gameplay. Without any measure, they stick magic here, some hand-to-hand, controlled robots and do all this equally badly. Really – the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Reigracy – Yes

Cool plot – No

Originality – Yes

Easy to master – No

Evidence of expectations: 55%

Gameplay: 4

Graphics: 8

Sound and music: 6

Interface and management: 1

Waited? The shooter in unusual decorations, with a boldly conceived gaming mechanics, the developers of which were destroyed by ignorance of the phrase "Context-dependent control".

Rating: 5
